Warehouse Assistant by Carya app for iPhone and iPad
Stock information:
Allows you to scan the item or type the item number and the availability, price, discount code and cost will be displayed as well as the item’s location.
By clicking on the item’s location you can scan another shelf to modify the location.
If you scan the Sales or Service Order, the items to pick will be displayed.
You can scan multiples orders and when pressing “Start Picking”, the user will be guided through the warehouse in the order of priority and item location. He’ll need to scan the items to confirm picking the correct ones as well as confirming the picked quantity.
Once the picking is finished, the information will be transmitted to our DMS (Dealer Management System) which will post the shipment.
This is used to scan all the received items. If the item is reserved, the reservation information will be displayed (order no. and customer name).
If no receipt is found, the text “NO INFO” will be displayed to warn the user that this item wasn’t supposed to be delivered.
Each scanned item is transmitted permanently to the DMS.
Add to order:
Allows the warehouse worker to scan a sales or service order and to add items to the order and insert the quantity so that they’ll automatically be shipped on the document in the DMS.
Physical inventory:
The user selects the inventory Order and the Acquisition list and will get the list of items to count.
Every scanned and counted item will be moved to the list “done” and transferred to the DMS.
Collo registration:
The warehouse worker scans a collo number and then can link to this collo the posted shipment either completely or partially by scanning some of the items.
This to prepare the truck drivers list containing the packages for each customer that will be delivered.